A rheumatologist

A rheumatologist is a doctor who deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and development of specific preventive measures aimed at eliminating diseases of joints, muscles, and bones.

What symptoms should be treated by a rheumatologist?

• constant joint pain;

• pain in joints, muscles or periarticular tissues occurred against the background of complete health, if there was an injury or bruise the day before;

• sedentary lifestyle;

• in the morning, there is stiffness in the joints for more than half an hour;

• if the elevated temperature persists for a long time, and the patient's examination did not reveal the cause.

Rheumatologist services

Our Center provides comprehensive diagnostics and treatment of diseases of muscles and joints. We employ doctors with the highest level of qualification.

How is the rheumatologist's consultation going?

A rheumatologist's consultation is a great opportunity to learn about the risk of muscle and joint diseases and methods of their prevention.

As a rule, a rheumatologist's appointment includes:

• anamnesis collection;

• inspection;

• study of research results;

• diagnosis;

• development of an individual treatment program;

• selection of a wellness program.

You will receive detailed explanations on the diagnosis and the prescribed treatment. Based on the results of the examination, the specialist may prescribe additional studies. The doctor will also give recommendations regarding the normalization of nutrition and lifestyle changes.

What diseases are treated by a rheumatologist

• Deforming osteoarthritis;

• Rheumatoid arthritis;

• Reactive arthritis;

• Ankylosing spondylloatritis (Bechterew's disease);

• Gouty arthritis;

• Psoriarthric arthritis;

• Systemic lupus erythematosus;

• Systemic scleroderma;

• The Raynaud phenomenon;

• Systemic vasculitis;

• Rheumatic polymyalgia;

• Giant cell arthritis;

• Osteoporosis;

• Polymyositis, dermatomyositis;

• Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis;

• Acute rheumatic fever;

• Chronic rheumatic heart disease (acquired rheumatic heart defects);

• Erythema nodosum.

Diagnostic methods performed by a rheumatologist:

• Ultrasound of soft tissues, joints, heart and blood vessels

• X-ray examination methods


• Laboratory tests

How to make an appointment with a rheumatologist

You can make an appointment with a rheumatologist by calling +7 7172 57 74 40, +7 702 094 77 71


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