Program" joint care"

To study the information about filling all the check-up packages and choose the one you need, contact our curator Voychishina Nadezhda, 8 (702) 094 77 71

An examination and assessment of the condition of the joints is carried out by a rheumatologist in order to identify possible problems or early signs of joint disease. If anxiety occurs in this area, the program we have developed helps to identify possible diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, inflammatory joint diseases and other pathologies that can lead to pain, restricted in its mobility or deterioration in the quality of life. Early detection and timely treatment of these problems will help prevent their development and reduce the risk of complications. If you have symptoms or previous risk factors, we recommend that you go through this program.

The program includes

Doctors ' advice:

  • Rheumatologist

Radiation diagnostics and ultrasound:

  • X-ray of the knee joint (2 projections)
  • Ultrasound examination of one joint of the limb (2 services)
  • Decoded electrocardiographic study (with 12 leads)
  • X-ray of the thoracic spine, two projections


  • General blood test on an analyzer with differentiation of 5 classes of cells
  • Manual measurement of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in the blood
  • Study of the general analysis of urine in the analyzer (physico-chemical properties of urine sediment with counting the number of cellular elements)
  • The definition of serum reactive protein (CRP) "c" is quantitative
  • Quantitative determination of serum rheumatoid factor in an analyzer
  • Determination of uric acid in blood serum in the analyzer
  • Determination of antinuclear autoantibodies (ANA) in blood serum by Elisa

Талдау нәтижелерін алу/Получить результаты анализов


Казахстан, г.Астана, пр. Абылай хана 42

Жұмыс уақыты/График работы

Дүйсенбі-Жұма: 08:00-20:00
Сенбі: 08:00-13:00
Жексенбі-Демалыс күні
Понедельник-Пятница: 08:00-20:00
Суббота: 08:00-13:00
Воскресенье-выходной день


Публичный договор
