Rehabilitation and treatment Department

Rehabilitation and treatment department
The department has been working since 2001 as a multidisciplinary auxiliary department.
The rehabilitation and treatment department offers a wide range of physiotherapy services for the treatment of patients undergoing inpatient and outpatient therapy. Almost all nosological units are included in the scope of treatment.

The Department of Rehabilitation Treatment provides a wide range of physiotherapeutic services for the treatment of patients undergoing both inpatient treatment and outpatient therapy. The treatment scope covers almost all nosological units.

The main objectives of the department are to minimize the recovery time, early return to work of patients thanks to adequate and fully carried out rehabilitation treatment using classical and innovative methods of physiotherapy, therapeutic massage and physical therapy.

With complex therapy with medications and restorative treatment methods, the treatment time for patients is significantly reduced. Rehabilitation procedures are painless and do not have side or harmful effects on organs and tissues.

At the inpatient stage of treatment after surgical operations, early medical rehabilitation has been introduced. All rehabilitation services at stage 1 are provided within the framework of the guaranteed volume of free medical care.

The prescription of rehabilitation procedures is carried out in accordance with the clinical protocols for diagnosis and treatment of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  Rehabilitation procedures not included in the scope of PDL are carried out on a paid basis.

Rehabilitation Department Services

Department work schedule:

Mon-Fri from 08.00 - 17.00.

Sat from 08.00 - 15.00.

Department phone: 

8 (7172) 57-78-09

8 (7172) 57-74-37

Our Doctors

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