Рrogram "The hormone and Me"

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The hormone and Me program is a comprehensive exam aimed at assessing the function and level of hormones in the human body. Hormones play an important role in regulating various processes in the body, so the examination provided can help identify and assess possible problems or imbalances in hormone levels. Timely examination can be useful in identifying and evaluating various hormonal problems, such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, menstrual disorders, problems with sex hormones or adrenal glands, premature aging, etc.  Such an examination will help the doctor determine the cause of symptoms such as fatigue, weight changes, mood swings, changes in appearance, etc. 

The program includes

Doctors ' advice:

  • Endocrinologist
  • Ophthalmologist
  • Ophthalmoscopy (2 eyes)

Radiation diagnostics and ultrasound:

  • Ultrasound of the hepatobiliopancreatic region (liver. gallbladder. pancreas. spleen)
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland


Biochemical analyzes

  • General blood test on an analyzer with differentiation of 5 classes of cells
  • Study of the general analysis of urine in the analyzer (physico-chemical properties of urine sediment with counting the number of cellular elements)
  • Determination of serum glucose in the analyzer
  • Determination of total serum protein in the analyzer
  • Determination of serum creatinine in the analyzer
  • Determination of uric acid in blood serum in the analyzer
  • Determination of urea in blood serum in the analyzer
  • Determination of total cholesterol in blood serum in an analyzer
  • Determination of high-density lipoproteins in blood serum in the analyzer
  • Determination of low-density lipoproteins in blood serum in the analyzer
  • Determination of serum triglycerides in the analyzer
  • Determination of serum alanine aminotransferase (Alat) in the analyzer
  • Determination of serum aspartataminotransferase (ASAT) in the analyzer
  • Determination of serum phosphorus (P) in the analyzer
  • Determination of serum magnesium (Mg) in the analyzer
  • Determination of serum alkaline phosphatase in the analyzer
  • Manual determination of serum potassium (K)
  • Manual determination of serum sodium (Na)
  • Determination of glycosylated hemoglobin in the blood in the analyzer
  • Determination of serum calcium (Ca) in the analyzer

Vitamins and minerals

  • Determination of vitamin D in blood serum by Elisa method


  • Determination of serum parathyroid hormone by immunohemiluminescence
  • Determination of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) in blood serum by immunohemiluminescence
  • Determination of free thyroxine (T4) in blood serum by immunohemiluminescence
  • Determination of prolactin in blood serum by immunohemiluminescence
  • Determination of cortisol in blood serum by immunohemiluminescence
  • Determination of antibodies to serum thyroperoxidase (a-TPO) by immunohemiluminescence

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