Chairman of the management board of JSC" National Scientific Medical Center". Doctor of Medical Sciences. President of the Association of Pulmonologists of Central Asia, executive director of the Euro-Asian Respiratory Society, full member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the Presidium of the committee of the World Health Organization, doctor of the highest category of healthcare organization.

Deputy Chairman of the board on medical activities
Cardiologist in the highest qualification category,
Vak Mon RK-candidate of Medical Sciences,
Award-winning candidate of Medical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan "excellence in Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan",
Laureate of the state prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Al-Farabi,
Letter of thanks from NDP "Nur Otan",
Certificate of honor "30 years of independence of Kazakhstan".

Deputy Chairman of the Board for Science
Candidate of Medical Sciences (PhD), doctor of the highest category.
Member of the Association of Radiologists of Kazakhstan, member of the Euro-Asian Respiratory Society, member of the European Society of Radiologists (Full member), member of the European Respiratory Society (Gold member)