Departments of our center

Центр женского здоровья и эстетики

Центр женского здоровья и эстетики

Department of arrhythmology

Department of arrhythmology

Department of gynecology

Department of gynecology

Children's Cardiac Surgery Center

Children's Cardiac Surgery Center

Central Research Laboratory

Central Research Laboratory

Department of Cardiac Surgery with Rehabilitation

Department of Cardiac Surgery with Rehabilitation

Microbiological laboratory

Microbiological laboratory

 Department of resuscitation and intensive care of Anesthesiology No. 1

Department of resuscitation and intensive care of Anesthesiology No. 1

Rehabilitation and treatment Department

Rehabilitation and treatment Department

Department of Radiation Diagnostics and Ultrasound Imaging

Department of Radiation Diagnostics and Ultrasound Imaging

№2 Anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care of cardiac and cardiac surgery profile

№2 Anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care of cardiac and cardiac surgery profile

Department of transfusiology

Department of transfusiology

Pathomorphological section

Pathomorphological section

Department of Therapy No. 2

Department of Therapy No. 2

Department of urology

Department of urology

Department of General and Thoracic Surgery

Department of General and Thoracic Surgery

Department of cell technology and transplantation

Department of cell technology and transplantation

Endoscopic Department

Endoscopic Department

Department of Interventional Cardiology No. 1

Department of Interventional Cardiology No. 1

Department of Interventional Cardiology No. 2

Department of Interventional Cardiology No. 2

Department of Neurosurgery

Department of Neurosurgery

Reception Department

Reception Department

Department of catheterization laboratory

Department of catheterization laboratory

Отдел опухолей молочной железы и реконструктивно пластической хирургии

Отдел опухолей молочной железы и реконструктивно пластической хирургии

Талдау нәтижелерін алу/Получить результаты анализов


Казахстан, г.Астана, пр. Абылай хана 42

Жұмыс уақыты/График работы

Дүйсенбі-Жұма: 08:00-20:00
Сенбі: 08:00-13:00
Жексенбі-Демалыс күні
Понедельник-Пятница: 08:00-20:00
Суббота: 08:00-13:00
Воскресенье-выходной день


Публичный договор
