Historical Event in Kazakhstani Medicine: Successful Surgery for Tumor Removal with Thrombus in the Inferior Vena Cava and Heart.

With joy and pride, we announce a significant achievement in the medical field of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Historical Event in Kazakhstani Medicine: Successful Surgery for Tumor Removal with Thrombus in the Inferior Vena Cava and Heart.

For the first time in the history of our country, a successful operation was performed to remove a tumor from the left kidney, accompanied by a tumor thrombus extending into the heart cavity. This medical breakthrough was made possible thanks to the joint efforts of outstanding cardiothoracic surgeons and medical specialists, including:

Head of the Department of General and Thoracic Surgery: Anuar Maratovich Abdikarimov, Senior Resident of the Department: Erlan Gabdullauly Nurgaliev;

Surgeon: Dulat Erlanuly Omarov;

Head of the Cardiothoracic Surgery and Rehabilitation Department: Aydos Pernebayuly Erpashov, Senior Resident of the Department: Tolgenuly Almas;

Anesthesiologist: Riza Zeynelkabidyzy Akhmetzhanova;

Operating Room Nurses: Elena Kusayinova, Nazerke Sarsenbayeva.

The operation, conducted in a high-tech medical center, was carried out under careful monitoring of the artificial circulation apparatus. Undoubtedly, this was the result of collective effort involving more than twenty professionals. We express sincere gratitude to each of them for their unparalleled skill, enthusiasm, and dedication to the patient.

This significant medical progress is not only recognized within the country but also attracts the attention of the international medical community. It confirms that Kazakhstan is at the forefront of medical science and practice.

We wish our patient, who underwent a complex operation, a speedy recovery and robust health in the years to come. This case serves as an example of how collective efforts, high professionalism, and innovative approaches can overcome the most challenging medical challenges. We hope that this success will inspire the medical community and benefit patients not only in our country but also worldwide.

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