Congratulations on International Surgeon's Day!

Every year on the third Saturday of September, the world celebrates this important day dedicated to those who have dedicated their lives to serving people.
Congratulations on International Surgeon's Day!

Surgeon is not just a profession, it is a calling that requires high qualification, impeccable skill and great responsibility.

Our Center employs outstanding specialists who perform real miracles every day. General, thoracic and plastic surgeons, cardiac surgeons, neurosurgeons, urologists, gynecologists and interventional cardiologists all play an important role in fighting disease and saving lives. Their knowledge and skills help patients overcome the most complex ailments and return to a full life.

We are proud of our surgeons, who are constantly improving their skills, staying abreast of the latest medical advances and technologies. Their work requires not only high qualification, but also enormous emotional and physical strain. Thanks to your courage and selflessness, many people get a second chance at life.

On this special day we would like to express our sincere gratitude for your dedication and professionalism. We appreciate your efforts, your willingness to help in the most difficult situations and your contribution to the health and happiness of patients.

Let this day be a reminder of how important your work is and an inspiration for new achievements. We wish you good health, inspiration, support of your loved ones and further success in your career. You are real heroes, and we are proud of the fact that

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