The Day of Medical Workers was celebrated at the "National Scientific Medical Center".

Today, a special festive atmosphere was established at "NSMC" . Bolat Gabbasuly Kupenov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of JSC "NSMC" congratulated all the employees of the center on their professional holidays.
The Day of Medical Workers was celebrated at the "National Scientific Medical Center".

On this day, a number of employees of the center were awarded for their work. So, with the "Excellence in Healthcare" medal:

• Yerpashov Aydos Pernebaevich - head of the department of rehabilitation cardiac surgery.

• Doszhan Ainur Dukenbayovna - head of therapeutic department No. 2.

• Suleymenova Indira Sarsenbekovna - head of strategy, quality management and standardization department;

• Tuleubaeva Elmira Akpanbekovyna - bacteriologist of the microbiological laboratory.

• Zhakisheva Meruert Anuarbekovyna - cardiologist of the arrhythmology department.

🥇Recipients of the "For Contribution to Health Care" badge:

• Shaikhimov Altynbek Toleukhayruly - senior resident of the department of anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care.

• Gulzhan Nurmukhametovna Kalieva - dermatovenerologist of the outpatient consultation center.

• Natalia Ivanovna Kudryavtseva is a senior resident of the intensive care unit of the Children's Cardiac Surgery Center.

• Elzhasov Alimzhan Asylbekuly - cardiac surgeon of the department of rehabilitation cardiac surgery.

• Akhmetzhanova Nabira Nazibekovna - procedural nurse of the department of general and thoracic surgery

 🥇Recipients of the Merit Veteran Medal:

• Syzdykova Sapura Neskenovyna - paramedic-laborator of the clinical diagnostic laboratory department.

• Nurseitova Tolkyn Bauezovna - expert doctor of patient support and internal inspection service.

📜 "Kurmet" certificate

• Sadvakasova Raushan Kairbekovna - nurse of interventional cardiology department #2.

• Alena Andreevna Boltanova is a specialist of the clinical diagnostic laboratory.

• Usinova Raushan Sapargalivna is a nurse of the general and thoracic surgery department.

• Abylgazina Dinara Kairbekovna - X-ray laboratory technician of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics and Ultrasound Tomography.

• Gauhar Kairatkyna Turussbaeva - nurse of the therapeutic department No. 2.

Honorees of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

• Karmanova Aktolkyn Saparzholovna - laboratory technician of the clinic-diagnostic laboratory.

• Zhapparov Bolatbek Yerkinbekuly - cardiac surgeon of the rehabilitation cardiac surgery department.

• Sultanova Gulzat Tokenovna - doctor-coordinator of the reception department.

• Mayra Arstanbekovna Mukanova - ultrasound doctor of radiodiagnosis and ultrasound tomography department.

• Zhaksybayeva Gulnaz is a duty nurse of the department of anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care.

• Gulshat Shaidolovna Isanova - nurse of the reception department.

Certificates of honor and letters of thanks were also presented on behalf of the Chairman of the Board of JSC "UNGO".

🙌We congratulate our colleagues on their well-deserved awards and the entire staff of the Center on their professional holidays! We wish health to your bodies, safety to your families, and success in your work!

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