"Cleanup Day at the Medical Center "NSMC": City Care in Action"

Our Care, Your Comfort: AO "NSMC" Actively Participates in Cleanup Day
"Cleanup Day at the Medical Center "NSMC": City Care in Action"

Cleanup events are a cherished tradition for our team, allowing each employee to contribute to the beautification and greening of our beloved city.

On May 11th, our team gathered in full force to work together on improving the surrounding environment. Employees of the medical center, alongside management, actively participated in cleaning up the area, planting new vegetation, and strengthening urban infrastructure.Each participant in the cleanup invested their energy and talents into a cause aimed at making our city even more comfortable for residents and visitors alike. We are grateful to all participants for their initiative, enthusiasm, and hard work. Our collective demonstrated not only professionalism in the medical field but also a willingness to actively participate in the development and improvement of the public environment.

This cleanup was not only an excellent opportunity for collective work but also for strengthening friendships and team spirit. We are confident that such events not only contribute to the beautification of the city but also foster an atmosphere of mutual understanding.

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